paiN Gaming – Cloud9 1 1.85

FAQ: eSports, Counter Strike, The Perfect World Shanghai Major tournament. BO1 implementation.

Reasoning: the teams have so far been evenly matched in this tournament, and their won/lost round ratio (23-18) exactly matches, so the betting agencies also cannot determine the odds precisely. Even though the teams have not played each other so long ago, about 3 months ago, the Brazilian gamers of paiN Gaming beat Cloud9, composed of Russian and Kazakh players, quite confidently on Nuke (13-8) and Mirage (13-9). This is mainly because their players simply shot better individually on both maps. Now, this is a factor that, although not constant in time; a lot of events would have to influence the match for all paiN Gaming players’ performance to suddenly drop all at once, and simultaneously also improve for Cloud9 gamers! Therefore, I expect the Brazilians to win again, even if under tight circumstances.

final result: 1-0 Anubison => the tip WON! 🙂

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